What is every WordPress theme user will do, no matter what theme they are using? Certainly, is changing the logo, everybody need to replace the theme logo with their site logo.

It’d be a code relevent change, so most premium WordPress themes today, will offer a place at somewhere the backend for you to upload you own logo so that you do not have to play with the codes, as our themes did. But every logo is unique, with different size, usually you will find the position is perfect for the theme logo but just not for yours, no matter what you do, changing the logo size, margin, or something like that.

If you’ve been in this situation before, you may tried to change the pre-designed logo position, it’s an easy job for people knowing codes while difficult for others, so we decided to introduce a very unique and exciting feature to our themes – “Instant Logo Position”. There is already a feature “Instant Logo Preview” we implemented in our themes for a long time, now “Instant logo preview” + “Instant logo position”, we believe it will bring our users the best logo customization experience.